TouchShield Slide Hacks

TouchShield Slide Hacks

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I did some reverse engineering on the pins of 2560 used on TouchShield Slide and this is what i've found.
Feel free to update the table because i don't guarantee that the table is 100% correct (i check the pins 3 times... but who knows)

Arduino MAX 3002 ATMega 2560   Usage
Pin Description Circuit Out In Pin Description   Description Device
0 D0 U5 20 1 2 RX0 PE0 Serial0 for
1 D1 18 3 3 TX0 PE1  
2 D2 17 4 45 RX1 PD2 Serial1 for
3 D3 16 5 46 TX1 PD3  
4 D4 15 6 12 RX2 PH0 Serial2
5 D5 14 7 13 TX2 PH1  
6 D6 13 8 63 RX3 PJ0 Serial3
7 D7 12 9 64 TX3 PJ1  
8 D8 U4 20 1 26 OC1C PB7    
9 D9 18 3 25 OC1B PB6    
10 D10 17 4 18 OC2B PH6    
11 D11 16 5 5 OC3A PE3    
12 D12 15 6 15 OC4A PH3 Free for usage  
13 D13 14 7 38 OC5A PL3  
* * 13 8 6 OC3B PE4    
* * 12 9 * * *    
          47 ICP1 PD4 2 kOhm Red Led
          48 XCK1 PD5 2 kOhm Green Led
          48 T1 PD6 2 kOhm Blue Led
          23 OC2A PB4 DATAFLASH_CS Memory
          20 SKC PB1 DATAFLASH_SCK
          43 SCL PD0 Free for I2C  
          44 SDA PD1  
          21 MOSI PB2 DATAFLASH_MOSI  
          10 VCC      
          30 RESET      
          32 GND      
          20 SKC PB1 DATAFLASH_SCK  
          22 MISO PB3 DATAFLASH_MISO  
0         97 ADC0 ADC0 Voltage divider
330kOhm each resistor
1         96 ADC1 ADC1  
2         95 ADC2 ADC2  
3         94 ADC3 ADC3  
4         85 ADC11 ADC11  
5         86 ADC12 ADC12  
          Touch Controller    
          90 PF7 XPLUS_PIN    
          91 PF6 YPLUS_PIN    
          92 PF5 YMINUS_PIN    
          93 PF4 XMINUS_PIN    


Update: To use the MediaTek MT3329 GPS only with Arduino i implemented NewSoftSerial in the

library. Click here to download the MediaTek MT3329 GPS for Arduino.

Unzip this archive in


You will find a modified core of TouchShield Slide (TSS) to enable the use of Serial2 and Serial3,

In my case i use Serial2 to connect a MTK3329 GPS to TSS, that let's you upload more than 33 images

in to the memory (thanks to openmoco guys) and also 4 extra libraries DigiText,

GButton, EEPROM and GPS_MTK3329 - ( the first two libraries can be seen in action here)

MediaTek MT3329 GPS library for TouchShield Slide is using Serial2 of the shield at 38400 bps.

(see GPS_MTK3329.cpp)

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