STM32 I2C Library for BMP280 Temperature and Pressure Sensor

STM32 I2C Library for BMP280 Temperature and Pressure Sensor

Please read Liability Disclaimer and License Agreement CAREFULLY

Before going further please read BMP280 datasheet



#ifndef __BMP280_H__
#define __BMP280_H__

#include "stm32f1xx_hal.h"
#include "i2c.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

 * Mode of BMP280 module operation.
 * Forced - Measurement is initiated by user.
 * Normal - Continues measurement.
typedef enum {
    BMP280_MODE_SLEEP = 0,
    BMP280_MODE_FORCED = 1,
    BMP280_MODE_NORMAL = 3
} BMP280_Mode;

typedef enum {
    BMP280_FILTER_OFF = 0,
    BMP280_FILTER_2 = 1,
    BMP280_FILTER_4 = 2,
    BMP280_FILTER_8 = 3,
    BMP280_FILTER_16 = 4
} BMP280_Filter;

 * Pressure oversampling settings
typedef enum {
    BMP280_SKIPPED = 0,          /* no measurement  */
    BMP280_ULTRA_LOW_POWER = 1,  /* oversampling x1 */
    BMP280_LOW_POWER = 2,        /* oversampling x2 */
    BMP280_STANDARD = 3,         /* oversampling x4 */
    BMP280_HIGH_RES = 4,         /* oversampling x8 */
    BMP280_ULTRA_HIGH_RES = 5    /* oversampling x16 */
} BMP280_Oversampling;

 * Stand by time between measurements in normal mode
typedef enum {
    BMP280_STANDBY_05 = 0,      /* stand by time 0.5ms */
    BMP280_STANDBY_62 = 1,      /* stand by time 62.5ms */
    BMP280_STANDBY_125 = 2,     /* stand by time 125ms */
    BMP280_STANDBY_250 = 3,     /* stand by time 250ms */
    BMP280_STANDBY_500 = 4,     /* stand by time 500ms */
    BMP280_STANDBY_1000 = 5,    /* stand by time 1s */
    BMP280_STANDBY_2000 = 6,    /* stand by time 2s BMP280, 10ms BME280 */
    BMP280_STANDBY_4000 = 7,    /* stand by time 4s BMP280, 20ms BME280 */
} BMP280_StandbyTime;

 * Configuration parameters for BMP280 module.
typedef struct {
    BMP280_Mode mode;
    BMP280_Filter filter;
    BMP280_Oversampling oversampling_pressure;
    BMP280_Oversampling oversampling_temperature;
    BMP280_StandbyTime standby;
} bmp280_params_t;

 * Initialize BMP280 module, probes for the device, soft resets the device,
 * reads the calibration constants, and configures the device using the supplied
 * parameters. Returns true on success otherwise false.
 * The I2C address is assumed to have been initialized in the dev, and
 * may be either BMP280_I2C_ADDRESS_0 or BMP280_I2C_ADDRESS_1. If the I2C
 * address is unknown then try initializing each in turn.
 * This may be called again to soft reset the device and initialize it again.
bool bmp280_init(void);

 * Start measurement in forced mode.
 * The module remains in forced mode after this call.
 * Do not call this method in normal mode.
bool bmp280_force_measurement(void);

 * Check if BMP280 is busy with measuring temperature/pressure.
 * Return true if BMP280 is busy.
bool bmp280_is_measuring(void);

 * Read compensated temperature and pressure data:
 *  Temperature in degrees Celsius times 100.
 *  Pressure in Pascals in fixed point 24 bit integer 8 bit fraction format.
bool bmp280_read_fixed(int32_t *temperature, uint32_t *pressure);

 * Read compensated temperature and pressure data:
 *  Temperature in degrees Celsius.
 *  Pressure in Pascals.
bool bmp280_read_float(float *temperature,  float *pressure);

#endif  // __BMP280_H__




#include "BMP280.h"

#define BMP280_I2C_ADDRESS  0x76 //or 0x77
#define BMP280_ADDRESS  (BMP280_I2C_ADDRESS << 1) //or 0x77
#define BMP280_CHIP_ID  0x58 /* BMP280 has chip-id 0x58 */

 * BMP280 registers
#define BMP280_REG_TEMP_XLSB   0xFC /* bits: 7-4 */
#define BMP280_REG_TEMP_LSB    0xFB
#define BMP280_REG_TEMP_MSB    0xFA
#define BMP280_REG_TEMP        (BMP280_REG_TEMP_MSB)
#define BMP280_REG_PRESS_XLSB  0xF9 /* bits: 7-4 */
#define BMP280_REG_PRESS_LSB   0xF8
#define BMP280_REG_PRESS_MSB   0xF7
#define BMP280_REG_CONFIG      0xF5 /* bits: 7-5 t_sb; 4-2 filter; 0 spi3w_en */
#define BMP280_REG_CTRL        0xF4 /* bits: 7-5 osrs_t; 4-2 osrs_p; 1-0 mode */
#define BMP280_REG_STATUS      0xF3 /* bits: 3 measuring; 0 im_update */
#define BMP280_REG_CTRL_HUM    0xF2 /* bits: 2-0 osrs_h; */
#define BMP280_REG_RESET       0xE0
#define BMP280_REG_ID          0xD0
#define BMP280_REG_CALIB       0x88
#define BMP280_REG_HUM_CALIB   0x88
#define BMP280_RESET_VALUE     0xB6

#define BMP280_RESPONCE_TIME   500

uint16_t dig_T1;
int16_t  dig_T2;
int16_t  dig_T3;
uint16_t dig_P1;
int16_t  dig_P2;
int16_t  dig_P3;
int16_t  dig_P4;
int16_t  dig_P5;
int16_t  dig_P6;
int16_t  dig_P7;
int16_t  dig_P8;
int16_t  dig_P9;
uint8_t  id;        /* Chip ID */

bmp280_params_t myParams;

static bool read_register16(uint8_t addr, uint16_t *value) {
    uint8_t rx_buff[2];
    if (HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1, BMP280_ADDRESS, addr, 1, rx_buff, 2, BMP280_RESPONCE_TIME) == HAL_OK) {
        *value = (uint16_t) ((rx_buff[1] << 8) | rx_buff[0]);
        return true;
    } else
        return false;

static inline int read_data(uint8_t addr, uint8_t *value, uint8_t len) {
    if (HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1, BMP280_ADDRESS, addr, 1, value, len, BMP280_RESPONCE_TIME) == HAL_OK)
        return 0;
        return 1;

static bool read_calibration_data(void) {

    if (read_register16(0x88, &dig_T1) && read_register16(0x8a, (uint16_t *) &dig_T2)
            && read_register16(0x8c, (uint16_t *) &dig_T3) && read_register16(0x8e, &dig_P1)
            && read_register16(0x90, (uint16_t *) &dig_P2) && read_register16(0x92, (uint16_t *) &dig_P3)
            && read_register16(0x94, (uint16_t *) &dig_P4) && read_register16(0x96, (uint16_t *) &dig_P5)
            && read_register16(0x98, (uint16_t *) &dig_P6) && read_register16(0x9a, (uint16_t *) &dig_P7)
            && read_register16(0x9c, (uint16_t *) &dig_P8) && read_register16(0x9e,    (uint16_t *) &dig_P9))
        return true;
    return false;

static int write_register8(uint8_t addr, uint8_t value) {
    if (HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, BMP280_ADDRESS, addr, 1, &value, 1, BMP280_RESPONCE_TIME) == HAL_OK)
        return false;
        return true;

bool bmp280_init(void) {
 * Initialize default parameters.
 * Default configuration:
 *      mode: NORAML
 *      filter: OFF
 *      oversampling: x4
 *      standby time: 250ms
    myParams.mode = BMP280_MODE_NORMAL;
    myParams.filter = BMP280_FILTER_16;
    myParams.oversampling_pressure = BMP280_ULTRA_HIGH_RES;
    myParams.oversampling_temperature = BMP280_ULTRA_HIGH_RES;
    myParams.standby = BMP280_STANDBY_250;
    if (read_data(BMP280_REG_ID, &id, 1)) {
        return false;
    // Soft reset.
    if (write_register8(BMP280_REG_RESET, BMP280_RESET_VALUE)) {
        return false;
    // Wait until finished copying over the NVP data.
    while (1) {
        uint8_t status;
        if (!read_data(BMP280_REG_STATUS, &status, 1)    && (status & 1) == 0)
    if (!read_calibration_data()) {
        return false;

    uint8_t config = (myParams.standby << 5) | (myParams.filter << 2);
    if (write_register8(BMP280_REG_CONFIG, config)) {
        return false;
    if (myParams.mode == BMP280_MODE_FORCED) {
        myParams.mode = BMP280_MODE_SLEEP;  // initial mode for forced is sleep
    uint8_t ctrl = (myParams.oversampling_temperature << 5) | (myParams.oversampling_pressure << 2) | (myParams.mode);
    if (write_register8(BMP280_REG_CTRL, ctrl)) {
        return false;
    return true;

bool bmp280_force_measurement(void) {
    uint8_t ctrl;
    if (read_data(BMP280_REG_CTRL, &ctrl, 1))
        return false;
    ctrl &= ~0b11;  // clear two lower bits
    ctrl |= BMP280_MODE_FORCED;
    if (write_register8(BMP280_REG_CTRL, ctrl))
        return false;
    return true;

bool bmp280_is_measuring(void) {
    uint8_t status;
    if (read_data(BMP280_REG_STATUS, &status, 1))
        return false;
    if (status & (1 << 3)) {
        return true;
    return false;

 * Compensation algorithm is taken from BMP280 datasheet.
 * Return value is in degrees Celsius.
static inline int32_t compensate_temperature(int32_t adc_temp,    int32_t *fine_temp) {
    int32_t var1, var2;
    var1 = ((((adc_temp >> 3) - ((int32_t) dig_T1 << 1))) * (int32_t) dig_T2) >> 11;
    var2 = (((((adc_temp >> 4) - (int32_t) dig_T1)    * ((adc_temp >> 4) - (int32_t) dig_T1)) >> 12)    * (int32_t) dig_T3) >> 14;
    *fine_temp = var1 + var2;
    return (*fine_temp * 5 + 128) >> 8;

 * Compensation algorithm is taken from BMP280 datasheet.
 * Return value is in Pa, 24 integer bits and 8 fractional bits.
static inline uint32_t compensate_pressure(int32_t adc_press,    int32_t fine_temp) {
    int64_t var1, var2, p;
    var1 = (int64_t) fine_temp - 128000;
    var2 = var1 * var1 * (int64_t) dig_P6;
    var2 = var2 + ((var1 * (int64_t) dig_P5) << 17);
    var2 = var2 + (((int64_t) dig_P4) << 35);
    var1 = ((var1 * var1 * (int64_t) dig_P3) >> 8)    + ((var1 * (int64_t) dig_P2) << 12);
    var1 = (((int64_t) 1 << 47) + var1) * ((int64_t) dig_P1) >> 33;
    if (var1 == 0) {
        return 0;  // avoid exception caused by division by zero
    p = 1048576 - adc_press;
    p = (((p << 31) - var2) * 3125) / var1;
    var1 = ((int64_t) dig_P9 * (p >> 13) * (p >> 13)) >> 25;
    var2 = ((int64_t) dig_P8 * p) >> 19;
    p = ((p + var1 + var2) >> 8) + ((int64_t) dig_P7 << 4);
    return p;

bool bmp280_read_fixed(int32_t *temperature, uint32_t *pressure) {
    int32_t adc_pressure;
    int32_t adc_temp;
    uint8_t data[6];
    if (read_data(BMP280_REG_PRESS_MSB, data, 6)) {
        return false;
    adc_pressure = data[0] << 12 | data[1] << 4 | data[2] >> 4;
    adc_temp = data[3] << 12 | data[4] << 4 | data[5] >> 4;

    int32_t fine_temp;
    *temperature = compensate_temperature(adc_temp, &fine_temp);
    *pressure = compensate_pressure(adc_pressure, fine_temp);
    return true;

bool bmp280_read_float(float *temperature, float *pressure) {
    int32_t fixed_temperature;
    uint32_t fixed_pressure;
    uint32_t fixed_humidity;
    if (bmp280_read_fixed(&fixed_temperature, &fixed_pressure)) {
        *temperature = (float) fixed_temperature / 100.0;
        *pressure = (float) fixed_pressure / 25600.0;
        return true;
    return false;


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