STM32 I2C Library for MS5611 temperature and pressure sensor

STM32 I2C Library for MS5611 temperature and pressure sensor

Please read Liability Disclaimer and License Agreement CAREFULLY

Before going further please read MS5611 datasheet

Usage example

MS5611_read();//get pressure and temperature takes about 10ms ToDo use non blocking mode
printf("Pressure = %f Bar Temperature = %f C\n", MS5611_Val.Pressure/100000.0, MS5611_Val.Temperature/100.0);



#ifndef __MS5611_I2C_H
#define __MS5611_I2C_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "i2c.h"
#define OneByte                        1
#define TwoBytes                    2
#define ThreeBytes                    3
#define MS5611_I2C_ADDR                0xEC
#define CONVERSION_TIME                10 // conversion time in miliseconds
#define MS561101BA_2K                2000
#define MS561101BA_1K5                1500    
#define CMD_MS5611_RESET            0x1E
//#define CMD_MS5611_PROM_Setup        0xA0
#define CMD_MS5611_PROM_C1            0xA2
#define CMD_MS5611_PROM_C2            0xA4
#define CMD_MS5611_PROM_C3            0xA6
#define CMD_MS5611_PROM_C4            0xA8
#define CMD_MS5611_PROM_C5            0xAA
#define CMD_MS5611_PROM_C6            0xAC
//#define CMD_MS5611_PROM_CRC        0xAE
#define CMD_MS5611_PRES                0x48   // Maximum resolution (oversampling)
#define CMD_MS5611_TEMP                0x58   // Maximum resolution (oversampling)
#define FIX_TEMP                    25    
#define CONST_PF                    0.1902630958f //(1/5.25588f) Pressure factor    
    struct _MS5611_msg {
        int32_t Pressure;
        int32_t Temperature;
    extern struct _MS5611_msg MS5611_Val;
    void MS5611_Init(void);
    void MS5611_read(void);
    //float MS5611_getAltitude(void); // in meter units
#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* __MS5611_I2C_H */




#include "MS5611_I2C.h"
#include "i2c.h"
#include "gpio.h"
#include <math.h>

struct _MS5611_msg MS5611_Val;
uint16_t C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6;
//uint32_t D1, D2;
uint8_t data[3] = {0, 0, 0};
//const float sea_press = 1013.25;

static uint16_t MS5611_read_16bits(uint8_t reg)
    //if(HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1, MS5611_I2C_ADDR, reg, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT, data, TwoBytes, I2C_TIMEOUT)!= HAL_OK)
    //    printf ("HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive \n");
    HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1, MS5611_I2C_ADDR, reg, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT, data, TwoBytes, PORT_TIMEOUT);
    return ((uint16_t)data[0] << 8) | ((uint16_t)data[1] & 0xFF);

static void MS5611_write(uint8_t reg)
    //if(HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, MS5611_I2C_ADDR, &reg, OneByte, I2C_TIMEOUT) != HAL_OK)
    //    printf ("HAL_SPI_Transmit \n");
    HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, MS5611_I2C_ADDR, &reg, OneByte, PORT_TIMEOUT);

static uint32_t MS5611_Convert(uint8_t cmd)
    //if(HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1, MS5611_I2C_ADDR, 0x00, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT, data, ThreeBytes, I2C_TIMEOUT)!= HAL_OK)
    //    printf ("HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive \n");
    HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1, MS5611_I2C_ADDR, 0x00, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_8BIT, data, ThreeBytes, PORT_TIMEOUT);
    return ((uint32_t)data[0] << 16) | ((uint32_t)data[1] << 8) | ((uint32_t)data[2]);

void MS5611_Init(void)
    // We read the factory calibration
    // The on-chip CRC is not used
    C1 = MS5611_read_16bits(CMD_MS5611_PROM_C1);
    C2 = MS5611_read_16bits(CMD_MS5611_PROM_C2);
    C3 = MS5611_read_16bits(CMD_MS5611_PROM_C3);
    C4 = MS5611_read_16bits(CMD_MS5611_PROM_C4);
    C5 = MS5611_read_16bits(CMD_MS5611_PROM_C5);
    C6 = MS5611_read_16bits(CMD_MS5611_PROM_C6);
    //printf("C1 = %d C2 = %d C3 = %d C4 = %d C5 = %d C6 = %d\n", C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6);

void MS5611_read(void){
    int64_t dT, OFF, SENS, TEMP, T2, OFF2, SENS2, x1, x2;
    int32_t D1, D2;
    D1 = MS5611_Convert(CMD_MS5611_PRES);//raw press
    D2 = MS5611_Convert(CMD_MS5611_TEMP);// raw temp
    //printf("D1 = %d D2 = %d\n", D1, D2);
    // Difference between actual and reference temperature = D2 - Tref
    dT = D2 - ((uint64_t)C5 << 8);
    //printf("dT = %llu\n", dT);
    // Actual temperature = 2000 + dT * TEMPSENS
    TEMP = (int64_t)MS561101BA_2K + ((dT * (int64_t)C6) >> 23);
    //Offset at actual temperature
    OFF = ((uint32_t)C2 << 16) + ((dT * (int64_t)C4) >> 7);
    SENS = ((int64_t)C1 << 15) + (((int64_t)C3 * dT) >> 8);
    // Second order temperature compensation
    if (TEMP < MS561101BA_2K)
        x1 = (TEMP - MS561101BA_2K);
        x2 = x1 * x1;
        T2 = ((dT * dT) >> 31);
        OFF2 = ((5 * x2) >> 1);
        SENS2 = ((5 * x2) >> 2);
        if(TEMP < -1500)
            x1 = (TEMP + MS561101BA_1K5);
            x2 = x1 * x1;
            OFF2 += (7 * x2);
            SENS2 += ((11 * x2) >> 1);
        T2 = 0;
        OFF2 = 0 ;
        SENS2 = 0 ;
    OFF = OFF - OFF2;
    SENS = SENS - SENS2;
    // Temperature compensated pressure = D1 * SENS - OFF
    MS5611_Val.Temperature = TEMP - T2;
    MS5611_Val.Pressure = ((((D1 * SENS) >> 21) - OFF) >> 15);

//float MS5611_getAltitude(void) {
//    int32_t _p, _t;
//    MS5611_read(&_p, &_t);
//    printf("P = %f mbar t = %f degC\n", _p/100.0, _t/100.0);
//    return ((pow((1015.7f / _p), CONST_PF) - 1.0f) * (FIX_TEMP + 273.15f)) / 0.0065f;


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