STM32 I2C Library for SI7006 Humidity and Temperature Sensor

STM32 I2C Library for SI7006 Humidity and Temperature Sensor

Please read Liability Disclaimer and License Agreement CAREFULLY

Before going further please read SI7006 datasheet



#ifndef __SI7006_H__
#define __SI7006_H__

#include "stm32f1xx_hal.h"
#include "i2c.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

void SI7006_Init(void);
uint8_t SI7006_getFirmwareRevision(void);
void SI7006_Read(float* humidity, float* temperature);
void SI7006_setResolution(uint8_t resolution);
uint8_t SI7006_getResolution(void);
void SI7006_setHeaterCurrent(uint8_t current);
int8_t SI7006_getHeaterCurrent(void);
int8_t SI7006_Warning(void);
void SI7006_EnableHeater(uint8_t val);
void SI7006_RST(void);

#endif  // __SI7006_H__




#include "SI7006.h"

#define SI7006_I2C_ADDRESS      (0x40 << 1)
#define SI7006_Humi_HM        0xE5 // Measure Relative Humidity, Hold Master Mode
#define SI7006_Humi_NHM       0xF5 // Measure Relative Humidity, No Hold Master Mode
#define SI7006_Temp_HM        0xE3 // Measure Temperature, Hold Master Mode
#define SI7006_Temp_NHM       0xF3 // Measure Temperature, No Hold Master Mode
#define SI7006_Temp_AH        0xE0 // Read Temperature Value from Previous RH Measurement
#define SI7006_Reset          0xFE // Reset
#define SI7006_W_RHT_U_reg    0xE6 // Write RH/T User Register 1
#define SI7006_R_RHT_U_reg    0xE7 // Read RH/T User Register 1
#define SI7006_W_Heater_C_reg 0x51 // Write Heater Control Register
#define SI7006_R_Heater_C_reg 0x11 // Read Heater Control Register
#define SI7006_R_ID_Byte11    0xFA // Read Electronic ID 1st Byte, first part
#define SI7006_R_ID_Byte12    0x0F // Read Electronic ID 1st Byte, second part
#define SI7006_R_ID_Byte21    0xFC // Read Electronic ID 2nd Byte, first part
#define SI7006_R_ID_Byte22    0xC9 // Read Electronic ID 2nd Byte, second part
#define SI7006_R_Firm_rev1    0x84 // Read Firmware Revision, first part
#define SI7006_R_Firm_rev2    0xB8 // Read Firmware Revision, second part
#define SI7006_R_Firm          ((SI7006_R_Firm_rev2<<8) | SI7006_R_Firm_rev1) // Read Firmware Revision, second part

#define SI7006_H12_T14          0x00
#define SI7006_H8_T12          0x01
#define SI7006_H10_T13          0x80
#define SI7006_H11_T11          0x81
#define SI7006_RES0              0
#define SI7006_RES1              7
#define SI7006_VDDS              6
#define SI7006_HTRE              2

#define SI7006_HEATER_OFF      3 // current value in mA for register value 0
#define SI7006_HEATER_STEP      6 // mA/LSB

#define SI7006_RESPONCE_TIME   500

uint8_t SI7006_USER_REG = 0x3A;
uint8_t SI7006_HEATER_REG = 0x00;

static float process_temp_code(uint16_t temp_code)
  return (float)(((175.72f * temp_code) / 65536.0f) - 46.85f);

static float process_humi_code(uint16_t humi_code)
  float value = (float)(((125.0f * humi_code) / 65536.0f) - 6.0f);

  if(value < 0.0f)
    return 0.0f;
  else if(value > 100.0f)
    return 100.0f;
    return value;

static int8_t r_reg(uint8_t reg)
  uint8_t cmd;
  uint8_t* data;

  if(reg == SI7006_USER_REG)
    cmd = SI7006_R_RHT_U_reg;
    cmd = SI7006_R_Heater_C_reg;
    data = &(reg);

  if(HAL_OK != HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1, SI7006_I2C_ADDRESS, cmd, 1, data, 1, SI7006_RESPONCE_TIME))
    return -1;
    return 0;

static int8_t w_reg(uint8_t value, uint8_t reg) {
  uint16_t cmd;
  if(reg == SI7006_USER_REG)
    cmd = SI7006_W_RHT_U_reg;
    cmd = SI7006_W_Heater_C_reg;

  if(HAL_OK != HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, SI7006_I2C_ADDRESS, cmd, 1, &value, 1, SI7006_RESPONCE_TIME))
    return -1;
    return 0;

void SI7006_Init(void) {

uint8_t SI7006_getFirmwareRevision(void) {
  uint8_t data;
    uint16_t cmd = SI7006_R_Firm;
  if(HAL_OK != HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, SI7006_I2C_ADDRESS, (uint8_t*)(&cmd), 2, SI7006_RESPONCE_TIME))
    return 0;
  if(HAL_OK != HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c1, SI7006_I2C_ADDRESS, &data, 1, SI7006_RESPONCE_TIME))
    return 0;
        return data;

void SI7006_Read(float* humidity, float* temperature) {
  uint8_t cmd = SI7006_Humi_HM;
  uint8_t buffer[2];
  uint16_t code;

  if(HAL_OK == HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, SI7006_I2C_ADDRESS, &cmd, 1, SI7006_RESPONCE_TIME)){
        if(HAL_OK == HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c1, SI7006_I2C_ADDRESS, buffer, 2, SI7006_RESPONCE_TIME)){
            code = (uint16_t)((buffer[0]<<8) | buffer[1]);
            *humidity = process_humi_code(code);
        } else
            *humidity = 0.0f;
    } else
        *humidity = 0.0f;
  /* There is a temperature measurement with each RH measurement */
  cmd = SI7006_Temp_AH;

  if(HAL_OK == HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, SI7006_I2C_ADDRESS, &cmd, 1, SI7006_RESPONCE_TIME)){
        if(HAL_OK == HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c1, SI7006_I2C_ADDRESS, buffer, 2, SI7006_RESPONCE_TIME)){
            code = (uint16_t)((buffer[0]<<8) | buffer[1]);
            *temperature = process_temp_code(code);
        } else
            *temperature = 0.0f;                
    } else
        *temperature = 0.0f;

void SI7006_setResolution(uint8_t resolution) {
  int8_t rv;
  uint8_t temp = SI7006_USER_REG;

  switch(resolution)  {
    case SI7006_H8_T12:
      SI7006_USER_REG &= (uint8_t)(~(1<<SI7006_RES1));
      SI7006_USER_REG |= (1<<SI7006_RES0);
    case SI7006_H10_T13:
      SI7006_USER_REG &= ~(1<<SI7006_RES0);
      SI7006_USER_REG |= (1<<SI7006_RES1);
    case SI7006_H11_T11:
      SI7006_USER_REG |= (1<<SI7006_RES1) | (1<<SI7006_RES0);
      SI7006_USER_REG &= (uint8_t)(~(1<<SI7006_RES1) & ~(1<<SI7006_RES0));
    rv = w_reg(SI7006_USER_REG, SI7006_USER_REG);
  /* in case of write error restore local copy of the register value */
  if(rv < 0)
    SI7006_USER_REG = temp;

uint8_t SI7006_getResolution(void) {
  return (SI7006_USER_REG & ((1<<SI7006_RES1) | (1<<SI7006_RES0)));

void SI7006_setHeaterCurrent(uint8_t current) {
  uint8_t reg_val = (current - SI7006_HEATER_OFF)/SI7006_HEATER_STEP;
  if(reg_val > 0x0F)
    reg_val = 0x0F;
  w_reg(reg_val, SI7006_HEATER_REG);
  /* in case of write success update local copy of the register value */
  SI7006_HEATER_REG = reg_val;

int8_t SI7006_getHeaterCurrent(void) {
  return ((SI7006_HEATER_REG & (0x0F)) * SI7006_HEATER_STEP) + SI7006_HEATER_OFF;

int8_t SI7006_Warning(void) {
  if(r_reg(SI7006_USER_REG) < 0)
    return -1;

  if(SI7006_USER_REG & (1<<SI7006_VDDS))
    return 1;
    return 0;

void SI7006_EnableHeater(uint8_t val) {
  int8_t rv;
  uint8_t temp = SI7006_USER_REG;

  if(val == 0)
    SI7006_USER_REG &= ~(1<<SI7006_HTRE);
    SI7006_USER_REG |= (1<<SI7006_HTRE);

    rv = w_reg(SI7006_USER_REG, SI7006_USER_REG);
  /* in case of write error restore local copy of the register value */
  if(rv < 0)
    SI7006_USER_REG = temp;

void SI7006_RST(void) {
  uint8_t cmd = SI7006_Reset;
  HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, SI7006_I2C_ADDRESS, &cmd, 1, SI7006_RESPONCE_TIME);    


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